Generate innovative solutions Getting different profiles to work together can be complex. However, making the most of the collective intelligence of a group makes it possible to develop relevant solutions to a problem while energising a heterogeneous team. This is the whole point of co-design workshops.

In the co-design workshop for this project, the objective was to determine “How to improve the experience of a train journey” in order to open up the long-term vision to teams.

My role as facilitator and designer was to guide and give the tools of the Design Thinking process to the team. A time of creative and collaborative work was dedicated to the project and this increase in competence.




Facilitator, UX Designer

Duration of the project

6H for the workshop, 2 weeks of preparation

Applied methodologies

  • Co-design workshops
  • Design fiction
  • Competitor benchmark
  • Ice breakers, serious games
  • Personas
  • Morphological matrix
  • User journeys
  • Brainstorming
Introdcution of Design Thinking
Personas with constraints

« I found the presentation [on Design Thinking] great and user-friendly. »

A participant


Introduction to Design Thinking

The workshop began with a presentation of “what is the design thinking” to align all the participants.

To open up the team’s creativity a little more, I started a Design Fiction approach. We were able to create Personas to which constraints were applied to push the team even further into creativity.

This method allowed us to generate more complex user paths and thus trigger a brainstorming session richer in ideas.

Co-design workshops

To select the best performing ideas for the group, the team weighted each one according to an impact/effort matrix and came up with a series of solutions and recommendations for different aspects of the experience: reliability, support, relaxation, and entertainment.

The solutions were presented by the co-design team to the sales and marketing teams to check their alignment with the business strategy and validate them.


« It was really nice but you have to work hard and look for solutions. »

A participant
Impact/effort matrix


Report and recommendations

An illustrated report of the elements produced by the co-design team compiled all the results obtained. The report was widely shared internally.

This intense and rich workshop left very positive feedback from the participants and allowed the company to project itself into its future strategy.

Customer testimonial

« Adeline has an expert grasp of user journeys. This gives her the means to detect credible needs in order to correctly personalise each experience! She offers a very good presentation support (well sourced and animated). »

Arnaud Lissajoux
Product Owner et Grands Comptes

Designing in a team?

The collective intelligence of a heterogeneous team allows us to solve problems in an innovative way. My role as a facilitator is to lead the Design Thinking process and ensure that the group’s dynamics are good.

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